Thursday, January 14, 2016

Untitled Poem, written in church

In the shadow of the cross
are the broken and lost
the weeping and weary they come.

To the place where the Son
did what must be done
so they could forever know love.

You are the one laid on His heart
while hanging on that tree
He cried out to His Father in pain

Thinking of you the King of the Jews
looked up to the Heavens and sighed
He breathed His last breath and He died.

The enemy rejoiced
at the death of the Christ
he regaled his defeat with the grave

Jesus had promised He would return
from the tomb did He rise
to ransom they that were slaves

Listen you lost, you broken, you weary
that's where your story starts
from before your very beginning
you were written on the Father's heart.

Come out of the shadow
out of the darkness
come claim what's been restored.

The debt has been paid
you've been set free
come here, take it, it's yours.

Rejoice my brother, my sister, my friend
you're now the child of the King
lift up your head, your heart and your voice

Let the praises ring!

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